Prednedávnom som natrafila na skvelý web One By One (presne podľa môjho gusta!), ktorý má zároveň aj svoj vlastný store v Londýne. Okrem eshopu, blogu, tam nájdeš aj nejaké tattoo inspi.
Okamžite ako som zbadala tieto fotografie, spadla mi sánka. V store sa konala fashion show pánskej značky BODYBOUND pod názvom CUT.
Ide o domácu, londýnsku značku, ktorú majú pod palcom dvaja talentovaní muži. Jeden vyštudovanú Central Saint Martins, ktorého si hneď po škole uchmatol Alexander McQueen. Druhý sa venuje dlhé roky fotografii a grafike. Dokonalé combo.
Brand BODYBOUND funguje len od roku 2012 a teda má sa čím pochváliť.
I recenty found one really good web called One By One ( its exactly my taste!) When I saw the pictures on their web site, i was impressed! Besides the e-shop and blog, you can find some tattoo inspirations there. An amazing fashion show entitled CUT for mens brand BODYBOUND took place in their store in London. It is a London based brand, formed by 2 talented men. One of them, straight after he graduated from Central Saint Martins, started working for Alexander McQueen. The second one is into photography and graphic design. Such a perfect combo! The BODYBOUND was found in 2012 and they definitely have alot to show!
I recenty found one really good web called One By One ( its exactly my taste!) When I saw the pictures on their web site, i was impressed! Besides the e-shop and blog, you can find some tattoo inspirations there. An amazing fashion show entitled CUT for mens brand BODYBOUND took place in their store in London. It is a London based brand, formed by 2 talented men. One of them, straight after he graduated from Central Saint Martins, started working for Alexander McQueen. The second one is into photography and graphic design. Such a perfect combo! The BODYBOUND was found in 2012 and they definitely have alot to show!
¨BODYBOUND is a futuristic offering of modern luxury menswear ¨

wtf wau!!!!!!!!!!
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