Fotky vznikli predtým, ako sme išli, ja a NAT, na ďalšiu fashion show, o ktorej sa dočítaš
v najbližšom poste.
v najbližšom poste.
Na sebe mám- teplákové nohavice je zabudnutý overal, ktorý som si priniesla ešte zo SVK.
Keďže som sa necítila na odhalené ramená, dala som si naň ešte jednu vrstvu, a to moje obľúbené tričko z Asosu. Na nohách mám kombináciu značiek Nike a Mango.
Keďže som sa necítila na odhalené ramená, dala som si naň ešte jednu vrstvu, a to moje obľúbené tričko z Asosu. Na nohách mám kombináciu značiek Nike a Mango.
Takže čoskoro čakaj nový post... a určite chcem spraviť v najbližšej dobe aj giveaway.
Pozri TU, mám nové vizitky a tá peňaženka- ROMI :))
These photos were taken before me and NAT went to another fashion show in Brick Lane- the post about it will be very soon. What I 'm wearing- grey pants are actually all-in-one which I brought from Slovakia. I didn 't feel like having naked shoulders so I put one more layer and that was my favourite tee from asos. On my feet I'm wearing combination of brands Nike and Mango. I know that many people don 't agree with socks in sandals, or in my case socks in heels- that 's my upgrade and my silver backpack, which is always with me. I'm worried about it because I always have a lot of heavy stuff in it. The new post about fashion show will be on blog very soon... and I want to prepare some giveaway soon. Look HERE, I have new bussinesscards and my new vallet- from my sis Romi :))
These photos were taken before me and NAT went to another fashion show in Brick Lane- the post about it will be very soon. What I 'm wearing- grey pants are actually all-in-one which I brought from Slovakia. I didn 't feel like having naked shoulders so I put one more layer and that was my favourite tee from asos. On my feet I'm wearing combination of brands Nike and Mango. I know that many people don 't agree with socks in sandals, or in my case socks in heels- that 's my upgrade and my silver backpack, which is always with me. I'm worried about it because I always have a lot of heavy stuff in it. The new post about fashion show will be on blog very soon... and I want to prepare some giveaway soon. Look HERE, I have new bussinesscards and my new vallet- from my sis Romi :))
Photo NAT, edit me
Jumpsuit & silver backpack- secondhand / Tshirt- /
Heels- Mango / Socks- Nike / Sunglasses & Earing- Topshop /
Rings- H&M, &otherstories / Watches- Tissot
myslím, že ak sú jednotlivé kúsky dobre kombinované tak sa to dá, ja takéto kombo síce nepreferujem, ale ty na sebe dokážeš predať všetko :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťprvni fotka skvela!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťvy to tam dobre dávate do poradku baby!! čakám na další post :-D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťsrdečný pozdrav z vriacej Bratislavy
Přemýšlím, jestli je to odporným, nebo skvělý.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťna fotkách to působí dobře, ale v reálu bych v tom nevyšla :) ale každý to má jinak :)